I hadn’t known how devastating life can be until the recent past. I have even become scared to look at what makes the news headlines. If it isn’t the never-ending political disputes, it is the reminder that we are still far from victory in this fight against the virus by the soaring number of cases. It is even sickening to know that resumption of studies might take longer than we hoped it would. And I can`t help but think of how many doors this might have shattered for many of us, directly or indirectly. In as much as we would like to think that these problems and its effects are far from us, we are well aware of how much it has torn us apart individually and in turn affected our families.

Going through Isaiah 48:21 “the Israelites did not thirst when He led them through the deserts; He made water flow for them from the rock; He split the rock and water gushed out” made me realize that if they did not thirst, we won’t either, we just have to look for where this water is gushing out from. For me it is creativity. Engaging in any form of creative undertaking has proven therapeutic not only for me but for many others as well. Sometimes I tend to think of it as God’s paintbrush that is in our midst to add color to what life and its worries have painted grayness to.

“How creative are you?” 

Look into the mirror: You are an amazing artwork of God’s creativity. Cells are dying and being replaced by brand new ones almost immediately. You are a work of creation-in-action at this very moment. Exquisite design makes us living, breathing, moving, interacting, and worshiping sculptures – what works of art! Human creativity is a tiny part of almost infinite miracles of creation in everyday life. Creation is more than an event in the distant past. It is an all-time amazing phenomenon with new life constantly being generated. Life, existence, the universe: without creativity, they would neither begin nor continue.

You are inherently creative simply by being alive. We express our creativity in a variety of ways that are not just limited to music, art, and performing. Each of us can always develop that creativity in every area of our lives.


My life exploded with new skills and opportunities when I learned to “Say ‘Yes’ then figure out how!” It came from initially saying “Yes!” to opportunities beyond my capabilities and comfort zone, then discovering the skills, ideas, supportive team, and inspiration to do them. Pursuing how God made ‘my heart sing’ opened up even more opportunities. The Bible is filled with stories of people who were convicted to do what they weren’t or thought weren’t qualified to do but saying “Yes” and going onto the creative adventure of being stretched and empowered beyond their wildest dreams.

Whatever you do or make from a heart space of love is God’s creating art in this world with you as His musical instrument, His brush or His pen! Enjoy exploring the creative journeys and inspiration of a variety of people throughout the Bible. The Old and New Testaments tell the stories of God’s creativity on the world stage. The captivating stories didn’t end when the last book was written. Our lives tell stories of God’s creation in this present time.

Let us come out of our comfort zones and begin exploring creative fields of our lives accepting God to use us as His brush and Him as the painter so that a beautiful picture of Him is drawn. Accept Him, take Him into your heart because you love Him and He will never fail.

He is right there, through your busy schedule and leisure time waiting for you to allow Him to use you. Every human being can be God’s masterpiece of creativity. During these tough times, explore your creative side of life, awaken it if it were dead and keep exploring it. You will never run out: the more you use, the more you have! Creativity will help you in the tough times ahead. With God, you are stronger than pain, richer than needs, and bolder than feared objects. You are a strong gold medal made of imaginations and tranquility! Yes, that’s you. In every circumstance, His strength is portrayed through you because you are an epitome of creativity and you’ve got this because He’s got you. He knows refining of gold requires the presence of flames, probably that explains the tough times.


Creativity is a gift God has given to us and He desires us to be good stewards of this very gift. Ask Him and He will teach you and show you how to be creative for His glory. Certainly, Jesus is coming soon and when you stand before the Hosts of Heaven on that great day and the Master asks, “What do you have left with you?” Will you say, “Lord, I have nothing left with me, I used all of it.”

Ephesians 2:10- “For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.