Welcome And Stay On Board


Evangelism is the act of sharing about God’s amazing love and grace to save humanity from sin.


Sticky Post

The Announcement I’m a first year student in my second semester. It is mission preparation period. Countless posters are sent daily in the WhatsApp groups, promotions are done every sabbath. Funds are raised towards supporting… Read more →

The Tending Farmer

With the start of a new season or when investing on a virgin land, it is important for all farmers to ensure well prepared and clean fields for the establishment of the various crops planned… Read more →

A True Conversion.

A vast number of people who are members of churches today are not fully converted. Conversion has been thought to be the mere knowledge of God without total surrender to Christ, as they once did… Read more →

Examine Yourself, Lest Ye Be Reprobates.

In a world where external validation is all we seek, let us remember that the internal validation is worth more. The internal validation of Christ in you should supersede the external validation of the world. Examine yourself then as to whether you are in the faith.

New Beginnings In Christ

For all his intolerance, he possessed a progressive mind broadened by contact with the wider life and speculative thinking of the Greco-Roman world. His later speeches bear testament of acquaintance with at least some of the writings of Aratus, of Epimenides, and of Menander, all Greek poets of renown, and of Seneca and Athenodorus of Tarsus.

Are You Thirsty?

Oh, desperate longing soul will you draw nigh and take a draft of the everlasting water or will you obstinately linger in your broken cisterns. Like Israel of old Jesus is offering us the water of life, true satisfaction and peace, something we can’t attain on our own. Are we going to follow in their footsteps by rejecting Christ?

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