Growing up, I knew that prayer was only answered in three ways; yes, no or wait. I know we are all well accustomed to this and have heard it in several sermons, had friends say it to us when seeking clarity about prayer or even just reminded ourselves how God deals with prayer.
Our parents are so essential that God takes time to talk about them in His Ten Commandments. God commands us to honor our parents so that our days may be long upon the land that the Lord has given us.
Oh, desperate longing soul will you draw nigh and take a draft of the everlasting water or will you obstinately linger in your broken cisterns. Like Israel of old Jesus is offering us the water of life, true satisfaction and peace, something we can’t attain on our own. Are we going to follow in their footsteps by rejecting Christ?
She proceeds to arrange the pieces of paper on her table, as though you don’t matter. She has seen many like you before, she says. Does she know who you are?And how could life move on so normally with so many misfortunes pursuing you?
In the last pages of the scroll, there’s a reward
“I come quickly and my reward is with me, to give every man accordingly as his work shall be”
Thus in the light of the old rugged cross,
My ways in the right I keep
It does not escape Paul’s attention that the serving minister must not be “a novice” but instead be seasoned in the ways and things of God. A man’s life prior to his call may not be any bit spectacular but once he enlists to the work, he takes a path of ceaseless advancement; mentally and spiritually such that he can never feign ignorance in the matters of God. The nature of the work is such as to test a minister’s fitness both morally and spiritually.
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