Different people have different reasons for investing but the most common ingredient in an investment plan is diversification. The Bible says,” cast your bread upon the waters, for after many days you will find it again. Give portions to seven, yes to eight, for you do not know what disaster may come upon the land.” (Ecclesiastes 11:1-2) Diversification is a wise practice. The “Do not put all your eggs in one basket” is not only wise but scriptural. Importantly, if you make mistakes, don’t despair. Learn your lessons and move on.

Here are a few basic stewardship principles to remember in your financial investing plan:

1. Accept Chris as your Lord and savior.

Most of us find it weird when someone uses these words on them… “nimemkubali Bwana Kama…”  but truth is the beginning of Christian investing is to become God-centered. Dedicate every area of your life to his service. Jesus said,” seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and ALL these things will be added unto you.” (Mathew 6:33)

2. Pray for divine wisdom.

We will have several options from mutual funds, to stocks, to business and we will need to choose one or two areas of investment.  Therefore, it is important that all planning begins on our knees, as close to the cross as we can get. “If any of you lacks wisdom,” said the apostle, “he then should ask God who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him.” (James 1:5)  

3. Study Bible principles.

There are more than 2500 texts in the Bible dealing with money and money management principles. Investment is an important topic and God has given ample guidelines for us. Proverbs and 2nd Corinthians would be a good starting point.

4. Work with integrity and excellence.

God has only one method for supporting the work of His kingdom. His people using their skill (both natural and acquired) are to work with excellence and honesty. Returns will definitely take time before we realize them. But the patience of the saints is called for. It’s unfortunate to use ungodly means to earn returns.

5. Have an investment plan.

Begin by having a motivation behind your investment. It could be your children’s education when they are born, or whatever it is. Also, start now, not later. The younger you are when you start, the more your returns will grow.  

Life is a risk, and so is investing. Nothing is complete without risk. Your tolerance for risk will guide your investment choices.