God made man perfect – good and perfect according to Genesis 1 – but because of sin, he ceased being such. When we talk of a perfect man, he must have been perfectly handsome and beautiful, perfectly healthy (mental and physical) and very much contented. Of which is not the case now.
A renowned writer once said that “worry is blind and cannot discern the future”. Jesus also once asked, “Who by worrying can add a jot to their life?” absolutely no one; even if you invest a whole day to worrying!
We will be considering the relationship between our thoughts and our physical health. The relation that exists between body and mind is very intimate; when one is affected, the other is always more or less in sympathy. Nut, even more, far too little thought is given to the causes of underlying mortality, the disease and degeneracy, that exist today. This is a disease is sometimes produced by the imagination. Many are lifelong invalids who might be well if they thought so. Many die from disease the cause of which is wholly imaginary.
How is it so? Disease, majorly imagination? Well, don’t get me wrong friends. The time we give to worrying about disease (talk of Covid-19, and cancer, etc.) and the carefree attitude with which we care for our body temple can tell it all. Humanity has worried themselves into disease, or walked arrogantly into it, and are busy worrying therein. Is there something you can do?
Exercise your will! Choose a wholesomely healthy lifestyle.
The power of the will and the importance of self-control both is the preservation and in the recovery of health is a gift from God, rarely used. We do not have the spirit of fear, we who are of God, for the guidance of His Spirit, we will see the salvation we long for: good health.
Christ gave us peace, one that this world won’t understand or know. And we are to rejoice in the Lord always. This to the world may seem fanatical. But we would rejoice because we know who we have trusted, and we trust what He tells us follow; for by obedience we would realize good health.
Start with your mind, the ‘powerhouse’ of most of our maladies: read good books (those pure and healthy books), guard well the avenues of your soul, be temperate in all, mind your talk and that of those around you, and hold onto Jesus. When you’ve started off there faithfully, proceed to your physique: good wholesome nutritive food, regular exercise, plenty of clean water, clean air to breathe in, frequent sunbathing and reasonably enough rest. You would have done yourself a million-worth favor. To add to it, your fears would be dimmed; for He is faithful that has promised us, and we hope in Him, not just for this life
So, friend, do something from today, for yourself. One day at a time, doing the recommended of our Creator.
Mind, Character and Personality (Chapter 7 and Chapter 75)
Desire of Ages pg. 330.1
Genesis 1:31
Ecclesiastes 7:29
Luke 6:25-34
April 6, 2020 at 17:13
Nice exhortation.
The power of the will and the importance of self-control both is the preservation and in the recovery of health is a gift from God, rarely used.