JKUSDA Church Blog

Welcome And Stay On Board

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With Him, Anywhere!

Will you at this moment, enlist to his service. Be the hands of Jesus, wherever you may be at this critical hour. “Look upon every duty, however humble, as sacred because it is a part of God’s service. Your daily prayer should be, “LORD, help me to do my best.

In His Hands

You didn’t know it will be this big.
But then, you’re affected. Already!
Tomorrow’s so uncertain – malady, treasure.
You know you want to survive somehow.
Everybody’s readying for their future –
Are you afraid?

Economist or Just Stingy?

Learn when to spare and when to spend. Its not best to pretend to be rich or anything above what we are. Proudly followers of the meek and lowly savior. We are not to feel disturbed if our neighbors get their wardrobe from Mr. Price when we can only afford X-shop

Can an Engineer Interview a Medic?

Before you start terming church folks as pretenders and the worst people to get into a relationship with, just pose and think; did I as an engineer study medicine well enough before going to interview that medic?

Is There Something I Can Do?

So, amidst this pandemic, be sure that there’s something that you can do. As concerns your health, and that of your loved ones, there is something you can do.

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