In His hands is where the future stands
A surety for the best place to land
In His hands comfort is found
Even if everywhere smoke unrest
In His hands I firmly attest
The virus will never gain conquest

Are You Afraid?
You didn’t ask to be born,
But then, here you are.
The future’s uncertain –
yourself and your-some
You know you should accomplish something,
Everybody knows, and are expecting,
s’thing unknown!
Are you afraid?
You didn’t know it will be this big.
But then, you’re affected. Already!
Tomorrow’s so uncertain – malady, treasure.
You know you want to survive somehow.
Everybody’s readying for their future –
Are you afraid?
Hey, know this: Someone planned you to be.
And the purpose He knows, and is helping realize.
The expectations will be met, satisfactorily.
Know this: Someone Omnipotent is in control,
And your life He treasures, and guides, all-ways.
Healthy, wholly I mean, you will be.
As you trust Him…
Are you afraid?

Listen to the loud silence
Where is all the violence
How about the loud parties
Look around and see
Are you where you should be
Is this really the end
Or simply just a bend?
Should we have hope
Or simply just let go?
Just like the sun
It hit from the east
Like a wrecking ball
It came unannounced
Reality stroke and balance lost
Dead bodies
Broken hearts
Confused medics
Lost hopes
Borders closed
Curfews, lockdown
Eyes fixed on the screens
Longing for assuring beams
But the figures increase
Each day new release
Anxiety growing and hope fading
Behind locked doors
Life is lived
Wondering if this was His will
Yes, Him who created us
And yes, I believe there's a creator
He wasn't the One who caused these
But He was the one who let it happen
And I believe it's still in His control
For He's got the whole world in His hands
The hands that were nailed '
cause of our transgressions
And so on our knees let's spend time
The grounds might be rough and dirty
But it's way much worth it
Our cries unto Him submit
Remember, He's got us in His hands
Adhere to the precautions
Even as we spend hours praying
Comfort the faint hearted
Show them the light
Remind them this one thing
He's got us in His hands
