Welcome And Stay On Board

John Odhiambo

Faith In A Rational World

Mere acquaintance with the Bible is not enough, the ability to rightly divide the word and milk out the substance of our doctrine is commendable but it is only the assimilation of God’s word in us, the innate belief of its authenticity and its applicability to our unique circumstances, then bringing it into our daily experiences that will profit us. For what will food well-seasoned with condiments benefit us if not eaten?

Are You Thirsty?

Oh, desperate longing soul will you draw nigh and take a draft of the everlasting water or will you obstinately linger in your broken cisterns. Like Israel of old Jesus is offering us the water of life, true satisfaction and peace, something we can’t attain on our own. Are we going to follow in their footsteps by rejecting Christ?

Shepherd or Hireling?

In the fifteenth chapter of Luke, the Pharisees railed against Christ, accusing him of receiving sinners. Christ countered their claim by a set of parables. He presented to them in the lost sheep, lost coin and prodigal son the dire need of the sinners, their utter inability to help themselves and how joyful it was to reclaim even one as such.

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