Welcome And Stay On Board


Onwards and upwards

“and when you cannot trace God’s hand, you can trust His heart.” charles Spurgeon I’ve been contemplating a lot about the human experience. I’ve seen it in all its beauty and all its horribleness. I’ve… Read more →


Sticky Post

Three months in, he made me feel like I was everything he’d been searching for. Even began talks about marriage. I mean if you found ‘’ the One’’ why waste time.


The Announcement I’m a first year student in my second semester. It is mission preparation period. Countless posters are sent daily in the WhatsApp groups, promotions are done every sabbath. Funds are raised towards supporting… Read more →

The Tending Farmer

With the start of a new season or when investing on a virgin land, it is important for all farmers to ensure well prepared and clean fields for the establishment of the various crops planned… Read more →

A True Conversion.

A vast number of people who are members of churches today are not fully converted. Conversion has been thought to be the mere knowledge of God without total surrender to Christ, as they once did… Read more →

A Woman On Her Knees

In the early stages in a child’s life, no teaching can ever make a greater impression upon a child’s mind like the instruction of a mother. There can be no one who will have such influence over the young heart as the mother who has so tenderly cared for her offspring. Therefore, it would be wise for the mother to consistently be on her knees. To beg for knowledge and wisdom, for the life of not only her child but also that of the next generation by extension are dependent on it.

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